Monday, April 25, 2011

If You Think You Need an Attorney...

You probably need an attorney.

Believe it or not, a lot of people won't even consider hiring an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney when charged with a crime --- like a DWI or Drunk Driving. 


One reason is that they think that attorneys are far too expensive for them to afford. Well, the truth is that lawyers ARE pricey - but they're nowhere near as expensive as a DWI conviction.

A good attorney can cost you anywhere between from $1,000 to up to $5,000 (or more) to handle your case from the first hearing through to the jury's verdict.

While this isn't as expensive as many people believe - I agree it can put quite a big dent in your budget.

How can I say this "isn't expensive" - well, consider what a DWI conviction often means something more than money.  Sure, there are the fines, the court-ordered classes and examinations, the driver's license reinstatement fee - and the hit to your insurance; but, you also have to think about the consequences to your future if you incur a criminal conviction. 

Now, I'm not just saying this because I am an attorney, talk to your friends and family who have employed the services of a good, experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney --- good lawyers can make sure that you avoid the some of the pitfalls listed above. 

Ask yourself this, who knows better what's going on in court room - you or an attorney? Who is going to get a case dismissed, evidence excluded, or a decent settlement for you - can you do that? Or do you need an attorney? 

When you're sick, you go to a doctor.  When you legally unhealthy, you should talk to a lawyer.

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