Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Difference Between Shoplifting & Theft

If you have been accused of Theft --- you might want to consider contacting an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney.  

What is Theft?

Minnesota Law defines Theft as the intentional taking of property that is not yours. This can be a temporary or permanent taken, but as long as someone takes it without permission, a Theft has been committed. 

Common types of theft include shoplifting, swindling (or tricking) someone into providing services without paying for them, writing a bad check (or a check without enough money in the bank,) using a vehicle without permission, forging a check, or wrongfully obtaining public assistance (welfare fraud).  


The penalties for Theft offenses in Minnesota vary depending on the specific type of theft charge.  Thefts involving money or goods in value up to $500 are Misdemeanors --- punishable by up to 90 days in jail and a $1,000 fine. Thefts involving money or property of up to $1,000 are Gross Gisdemeanors punishable by up to 1 year in jail and a $3,000 fine. Thefts involving money or property over $1,000 are felonies punishable by at least 1 year in prison or more.  

What Should You Do?

The Rolloff Law Office has recently represented a number of clients accused of Shoplifting/Theft --- some cases involved  switching price tags, walking out of the store with paying for an item,eating food in a store without paying for it, or return fraud.  This is an extremely common crime in Minnesota.  Stores, especially large retail chains, use a vast array of methods to combat this, using cameras, undercover store security, magnetic sensors, and electronic article surveillance. 

If you need help (or more information,) feel free to contact us today for a FREE CONSULTATION: (612) 234-1165.

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