Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Should You Fight a Minnesota Speeding Ticket?

It’s what everyone hopes to avoid while driving: the dreaded “flashing blues” in their rear-view mirror, an indication that someone’s about to be pulled over. Hopefully it isn’t you. At one point or another, just about everyone drives faster than the posted speed limit. Generally speaking, traffic enforcement officers give motorists some latitude – allowing motorists to drive between 5 and 10 miles per hour faster than what’s allowed for – but anything more than that and a ticket is probably in your future.  If you have received a ticket --- speaking to an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney
A  ticket has lasting effects. It can cause auto insurance premiums to increase for motorists who are convicted and attaches points onto the driving record. Get too many tickets, and it could result in a license suspension. 

Think About It

Generally speaking, most courts decide in favor of the police officer, typically because they have proof that confirms their observation. Furthermore, even if you think you have a compelling argument, there’s no guarantee that the judge will decide in your favor. Thus, you can wind up spending hours in court hearings and you don't get the result you want/need.  .

That being said --- having help (ie., a lawyer) can might be the best use of your time/defense to beat a charge and/or negotiate an outcome with the prosecutor to keep it off of your record. 

If you think spending a few dollars is worth the saving in the long-term. Call the Rolloff Law Office - our fees for citations start at under $200.  Call for FREE ANSWERS today: (612) 234-1165.

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