Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Scott County Domestic Assault Attorney

Have you or someone you love been accused of domestic violence?  All too often this means that they have have been accused of causing a family or household member bodily harm. If this is the case - understand that: There are very serious consequences that one could experience if he/she is found guilty --- including: jail time, fines, and a criminal record that follows you for the rest of your life.
If you have been accused of domestic assault, it is important to work with a Scott County Criminal Defense Attorney who puts your best interests first. 


Unfortunately, there are times when domestic assault allegations arise out of other conflicts. Perhaps there is a divorce going on or there is a child custody battle. It is unfortunate that there are such cases, which makes it even more important to defend yourself against the charges.
If convicted, the conviction will most likely negatively impact any battle for child custody and could have an influence on the divorce. If convicted of domestic assault, you could also be subject to an order for protection, which could affect your ability to see any children you may have or how you see them.
Violating an order for protection is an offense in itself. If it is violated, you could be looking at time in jail.
Other consequences of a domestic assault conviction include anger management courses, counseling, and probation. Avoiding as many of the consequences as possible is why you need a Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer by your side every step of the way. 
Even if there is some merit to the charges, you can still have a much better future than you would have if you didn’t effectively defend yourself. Sometimes charges can be inflated and that means paying penalties that are harsher than what you should have to pay. By using the facts in your case, a fair outcome can be had.

Domestic assault is aggressively pursued and prosecuted in Minnesota because of what can potentially result if legitimate cases are allowed to continue. 
If you have been accused of domestic assault, whether the charge is legitimate or not, you need the experience of a qualified criminal defense attorney to protect your interests. To learn more, call the Rolloff Law Office at (612) 234-1165.

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