If you're facing a Traffic ticket charge in Minneapolis or St. Paul --- you could be facing the loss of your driver's license, your clean driving record and/or increased insurance rates. If you have questions about how to properly handle matter such as this --- talk with an experienced Twin Cities Traffic Attorney today who can help you fight that traffic ticket and keep it from becoming a bigger problem.
Contact the Rolloff Law Office to speak to an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer. We have represented 1000s of professional drivers and ordinary people who are facing charges after a DWI/Traffic arrest in Minnesota.
We defend first time and repeat offenders on Drunk Driving charges and Minnesota Traffic violations --- including:
- Driving with a Suspended/Revoked license;
- Driving without Insurance;
- Minnesota Speeding tickets and other moving violations;
- Reckless or Careless driving;
- School bus stop arm violations;
- Juvenile traffic offenses.
Not Planning on Coming Back to Minnesota?
The Rolloff Law Office represents people who have only been traveling through Minnesota and picked-up a ticket for a moving violation or were arrested for DWI. Most times, I can represent your case anywhere in the Twin Cities area and/or anywhere in Minnesota. Often you can completely avoid a court appearance.
FREE CONSULTATION: (612) 234-1165.
Sadly, many do not understand that a juvenile who engages in felony criminal sexual conduct and is convicted of it will face long-term consequences. Most believe - because the accused is a juvenile that - it will just disappear when the child turns 18. That is not the case.
What You Should Know
Juvenile sex crimes can result in the minor being charged as an adult and this means serving an adult prison sentence. If your child has been charged with felony criminal sexual conduct in the State of Minnesota, it is imperative to secure the services of an experienced Minneapolis Criminal Defense Attorney who knows how to fix such matters. An attorney protects the rights of your child and works hard to avoid the potential consequences of the charge.

There is no guarantee that your child’s case will be handled in juvenile court.when criminal charges are brought. Therefore, it is important that the child is defended. The reason is because not all children who offend become adult offenders, so their future depends on whether or not they are tried as a child and determining if the charge does have merit. False accusations do happen among the juvenile population as well. There is also the fact that young children abusing other children may be an indication that the child offender is being abused by someone older than them or they had been abused in the past. That is not always the case, but this does seem to be a common theme.
If you or someone you love needs help with a juvenile case, please feel free to contact The Rolloff Law Office at (612) 234-1165 - to set up a free consultation.
The State of Minnesota takes Drunk Driving very seriously --- and if you have a commercial driver's license (ie., a CDL) the consequences can be devastating. This is why it is important to get answers from a Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney.
What Will Happen
Commercial drivers face strict DWI penalties that can impact their ability to work and earn a living.
In the State of Minnesota, for a first offense, a commercial driver transporting non-hazardous material can lose his CDL for one year; a driver of hazardous materials can have his license disqualified for three years.
If convicted of a second violation, the driver will lose his CDL permanently, but the driver can attempt to have his license reinstated after ten years.It’s considered a major offense for a commercial driver to operate a commercial vehicle with a suspended, revoked or disqualified CDL – this would result in the possibility of fines up to $5,000 and potential jail time.
Wile the driver will retain his license to operate a noncommercial vehicle unless:the BAC level was 0.08 or higher, the legal limit for a regular motor vehicle DWI.
If you have a CDI and you are facing a DWI --- know this: this considered a major offense under both state and federal laws Therefore, you should contact The Rolloff Law Office right away. We will work on your behalf to either have the charges against you reduced or possibly have them dismissed. Call today: (612) 234-1165
In the State of Minnesota, a Terroristic Threat (ie. Threats of Violence) is classified as a felony offense. However --- what qualifies as much might be mislabeled. What that means, to an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney is that there are circumstances when a threat --- might find someone charged with a crime.
Example --- a statement like: statement, “I just want to burn this place down,” (something a family member might use on a bad day) could be mischaracterized as a terroristic threat.
If you have been accused of making a Terroristic Threat, you should not just accept it.
What Should You Do?
The number one thing to do in a Terroristic Threats case is to dig into what actually happened. Believe it or not, there are different types of threats, which is why something someone says can be perceived as such. Here are the elements of such threats:An individual must indirectly or directly commit a violent crime with the intention of terrorizing another person
he Consequences
The number one goal of The Rolloff Law Office is to make sure you are not convicted of making threats. When conviction cannot be avoided, then the goal is to have the charges reduced. There are areas of the law that allow for charges to be reduced so a person can put the matter behind them and move on much sooner.If convicted, there are consequences, such as prison and fines. There is also the criminal record that causes problems with finding a place to live or finding a job. The more serious the charge a person is convicted of, the harder the future may be. This is why it is important to have an attorney who will fight for and with you every step of the way. Even a reduction in charges can make moving forward much easier than it would be otherwise.

An innocent statement can misinterpreted as a threat. In fact, even a semi-serious statement could result in a terroristic threat/threats of violence charge. If you or a loved one has been accused of making a threat, you have the right to defend yourself with the help of a skilled defense attorney.
Call The Rolloff Law Office at (612) 234-1165 to set-up a FREE CONSULTATION
Shoplifting is often regarded --- by law enforcement and business --- as a petty crime few consequences. Often ... it's viewed as something that teenagers do - and grow out of. Generally, most people see this offense as something that can/should be able to be "fixed" by by returning the stolen merchandise to a
store and apologizing or just paying for it ... and maybe being ordered, by the authorities, to pay a fine.
As an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney - and as a former prosecutor - I can (sadly and) confidently assert that this is often not the case.
Shoplifting is Bad (For You)
Under the laws of the State of Minnesota law,
shoplifting is considered a Theft --- and this crime is treated seriously - by the government and the judge. And, not only might someone face jail time ... the more serous impact is felt when they go looking for a job, housing and/or a loan from a bank and this indiscretion shows up on a back-ground check.
of why you have been charged with shoplifting,
conviction can result in numerous criminal penalties, along with the
risk of being sued by the merchant in civil court. In addition to getting a lawyer - ASAP - it’s important to understand shoplifting laws and penalties.
Theft (Explained)
most of us think about Shoplifting, I sure we conjur up ideas of someone leaving a
store without paying for something. While that certainly counts ... there are a number of different actions that someone could potentially
engage in that qualify as retail theft. These include:
- Taking store property without consent;
- Hiding store property without consent;
- Lying to obtain goods; and/or
- Switching price tags to pay less for a product.
Minnesota Shoplifting (Penalties)
Shoplifting charges typically depend on the value of the property taken. Low value items - under $500, such as a pack of gum, costume jewelry, or a small
electronic like a flash drive are generally considered misdemeanors --- where the maximum sentence can be a $1000 fine and 90 days in jail. More valuable items --- could result in serious charges and penalties can follow.
Here are a few of the
potential penalties you may face:
- Values between $500 and $1,000: Up to $10,000 in fines and/or five years in prison;
- Value between $5,000 and $35,000: Up to $20,000 in fines and/or up to 10 years in prison; and
- Value over $35,000: Up to $100,000 in fines and/or up to 20 years in prison.
Fighting a Shoplifting Charge
A Shoplifting conviction can result in some
long-term consequences, including a criminal record that will follow you
for the rest of your life. Because of this, you might find it necessary to get answers from a lawyer. The Rolloff Law Office has represented 100s of individuals who have made a small mistake like this --- to ensure that
your rights are protected, it’s important to have a Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer --- with a successful track record --- looking out for your best
interests. Contact the Rolloff Law Office - today - and set-up a FREE CONSULTATION: (612) 234-1165
This is probably a very obvious observation ... but, having a criminal record can severely limit anyone’s ability to get a
job or housing or financial assistance.
As luck would have it, there is a way to
“erase” your criminal history. This is called “expunging” or “sealing”
your criminal records. The easiest way is called a statutory
expungement. A statutory expungement seals your judicial (court) records and your executive (BCA, police, etc) records.
What Do You Need to do to Get an Expungement?
In order to qualify for a statutory expungement, one of three things
must have happened.
First, the most common is that the case was resolved in
your favor. This means that your case ended with a dismissal by the
prosecutor or court, a continuance for dismissal (or a continuance
without plea), a diversion program, a not guilty verdict, or some
similar resolution. In this situation, you are entitled to an
expungement and there has to be a very, very good reason not to expunge
your records.
Second, certain cases where a juvenile was prosecuted as an adult may
Third, certain drug cases qualify when the case was
resolved with a stay of adjudication pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 152.18,
subdiv. 1. Unlike cases resolved in your favor, in these situations,
you have to make some showing to the court that the benefit to you in
sealing your records is equal to or greater than the disadvantages to
the public and the agencies in sealing your records.
Now What?
To go about sealing your records under this statutory authority, it
is wise to have an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney assist you. Navigating the
legal language and obligations can be difficult and overwhelming.
You are required to submit an
affidavit, a notice of motion and motion to seal, and a proposed order
to seal. In addition, you have to serve every agency that will be
affected by the expungement.
The, the hearing, which occurs at least 60 days after filing the
documents, can be handled by your attorney. Your attorney will give you a
waiver of appearance so you need not attend. At the hearing, the judge
will review the reason for the expungement, determine if there have been
any objections, and issue an order.
Once the order is issued, there are
sixty (60) more days for the agencies to appeal the order. After that, your
records are completely sealed!
Want to start over? Call The Rolloff Law Office today to set up an appointment for a FREE CONSULTATION to get and Expugement: (612) 234-1165
A comment that I have heard many Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorneys make goes something like this:
“This would be a great business if it weren't for the clients.”
Now ... while that sounds a little (?) condescending ... I can tell you this --- often, my clients have said the same thing about court - ie., is there any way my case (which requires somone go to court) can be resolved with me ever having to have to go? The answer is: Yes!
If you have hired a Minnesota Criminal Defense Lawyer there are some MANY cases where you can avoid going to court --- and you can make him/her do all of the work.
The TRUTH: In almost all misdemeanors, you can avoid going to the first appearance if you sign a waiver for your lawyer. Frankly, most of these hearings result in simply getting a new court date.
It is the practice of The Rolloff Law Office to almost always has you waive your first appearance in misdemeanor cases, we want you to appear at all other court appearances because we need to be able to discuss potential resolutions or setting the case for trial.
If you have been charged with a Gross Misdemeanor or a Felony --- things do become a tad more complicated.
If you have questions about your obligation ... and/or you don't really feel like going to court - if at all possible - feel free to contact your attorney whether you can waive your appearance in court. Never go to court and still get the right result. Interested? Call The Rolloff Law Office today: (612) 234-1165