Heroin ... all over the news these days ... is being reported as one of the more addictive drugs & its abuse is once again climbing. Law enforcement, law makers and the courts are not blind to this fact, and they are taking action.
If you or someone you love is accused of heroin possession in the State of Minnesota, there’s a good chance that you are scared - and rightfully so. Fortunately, an experienced
Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney may be able to help.
Consider This
Minnesota is known for being tough on crime ... and Controlled Substance Crimes in particular. Possession of heroin is a serious felony-level charge, no matter how much someone is accused of possessing. This means that a conviction could result in prison time, lengthy probation ... and all of the "crap" that goes along with being charged with a felony.
Having had started out as a prosecutor, I have an insight into how these matters can and should be handled ... working to earn a a positive resolution of your case.
Possession of heroin is a felony charge, no matter the amount one is found to possess. However, the actual amount does factor into the charge you face and the potential consequences. In the State of Minnesota, the law sets-forth these penalties:
- Fifth Degree Possession (Less than 3 grams) - up to 5 years in Prison and $10,000 in fines;
- Third Degree Possession (From 3 - 5.9 grams) - up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 in fines;
- Second Degree Possession (From 6- 24.9 grams) - up to 25 years and $500,000 in fines; and
- First Degree Possession (25 grams or more) - up to 30 years and $1 million in fines.
Evidentary Issues
There are many laws protecting your rights and dictating how the evidence gathered against you must be handled ... and if law enforcement fails to do their job correctly ... there are sometimes opportunities for your Minnesota Controlled Substance Crime Attorney to argue that it should be suppressed.
Example: If it can be shown that your rights were violated in the search or that the evidence was not properly handled, there may be cause to have your case thrown out completely.
Plea Deals
In many cases, a plea bargain is the best option for everyone involved. This is true ... if you admit some level of wrongdoing but want to avoid the worst possible penalties. Often, especially if this is your first offense, you can avoid prison time with a plea agreement --- you can even (maybe) keep this off of your record all together. The terms of the agreement will be based on a variety of factors including the facts of your case, the prosecutor working on it, and your prior record.
The best criminal defense strategy for your case depends on a million different things ... all too often. Working with the Rolloff Law Office, to develop this strategy, begins with a FREE CONSULTATION. Call today to discuss your case.
As as experienced Minnesota Shoplifting Attorney, I get loads and loads of questions, here is one of the ost common:
Mr Rolloff,
I recently received a civil demand letter in the mail from attorney Michael Ira Asen P.C stating I must pay $250 in 30 days.
was caught stealing from Walmart. It was my first time ever stealing
and it won't happen again. (The police were called and I was also given a citation.) I was also told I had to stay away from the sore for a year.
What if I am unable to pay the fine in time? Do I even have to pay it at all since there were no police involved?
The Truth
Retailers are allowed by
statute to make the demand. It is not a scam (as often suggested) but a
legitimate demand allowed by law. That being said, there is procedure to this ... and if you really want to part with you money, pay it. If not, you (or an experienced Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney) can respond to these demands ... and, if my experience is any indication, you WILL NOT have to pay anything. Additionally, paying this demand WILL NOT have any impact on the citation you received. You will still have to go to court to answer for this allegation.
Sure, there is more I can say, so ... if you have any questions/concerns, please fee free to contact the Rolloff Law Office for FREE ANSWERS. Call Today: (612) 234-1165
If there is one thing I know, personally, is that everyone makes mistakes—especially young ones.
One thing to be careful about: children and teenagers involved in criminal activity are prone to long-lasting penalties that could impact the rest of their lives. As and experienced Minnesota Juvenile Criminal Defense Attorney, I can help provide the support - legal and otherwise to your child and your family - and make sure the potential penalties don’t damage the future.
What to Expect
Minnesota law defines a "juvenile" as a person between the ages of 10 and 17. When a juvenile commits a crime, the laws, procedures and the consequences are different than they are for adult criminals. For example, juveniles are not entitled to a jury trial or bail release.
Some of the most common juvenile crimes in Minnesota are:
- Alcohol Violations Involving Minors
- Drunk driving - "Not a Drop"
- Speeding, careless/reckless driving, and texting while driving
- Shoplifting/theft
- Employee theft
- Drug possession
- Obstruction of justice
- Disorderly conduct
Juvenile crimes can range from misdemeanors to felonies --- depending on the circumstances surrounding the crimes. In the most serious cases, the juvenile offender can be charged and punished as an adult and even sent to prison.
Many children don’t deserve harsh sentences because they are often unaware of the consequences of their actions. Common punishments for juvenile offenders include counseling and detention in a youth facility or juvenile hall. Having a criminal attorney to fight against the prosecution and keep the charges to a minimum is a must.
How to "Win" the Case
The offender’s age, criminal history, and the circumstances surrounding the crime determine a consequence. However, unlike criminal court, the intention is more focused on rehabilitation. Therefore, if we work together ... getting "help" before the judge makes his order, we can work to keep the ultimate consequences to a minimum ... keeping the individual's future path free of the "clutter" these wrong-doings could cause.

A Minnesota Juvenile Defense Attorney can ensure that a juvenile’s rights are not violated, and that they receive the support they need to grow. Call the Rolloff Law Office today, to set up a FREE CONSULTATION: (612) 234-1165.
As an experienced Minnesota Traffic Ticket Attorney, I get loads and loads of questions about how much does a lawyer cost --- and is it worth it? No doubt, these are legitimate questions. And with just a few quick facts, you can get the right answers from almost any attorney that handles traffic tickets.
Questions to Ask a Lawyer
How old is the ticket? What's it for? What county and/or city is it in? These are likely to be the questions you will be asked by the Minnesota Criminal Defense Attorney you contact, because these questions basically allow for a calculation of the amount of work that's involved.
But when you are asking the questions of the attorney, should price be one of the first questions you ask? Hardly, in fact, it should be the last. Here's why.
To ask a question about price, you are assuming that traffic attorneys are like any other commodity. You are wise to shop around for the lowest price - true; because regardless of what you pay for it, it is pretty much going to look, taste and quench your thirst exactly the same.
However, Minnesota Traffic Lawyers are not just any product. They come in all shapes and sizes (literally and figuratively).
What I mean by that, is some traffic lawyers are small one man/woman operations, and are usually cheaper/less expensive because they have less overhead.
Conversely, some firms are not one man/woman operations and appear to charge more. Often, this goes more toward keeping them in their fancy offices ... profiting off of your misfortune.
Granted, it's important that you not be penny wise and pound foolish ... and you shouldn't just hire a layer to save $10-$20 if doing so could be the difference between hundreds or thousands of dollars in higher court costs or higher insurance increases. But, you only need to pay for what you need.
As a former prosecutor, who has worked thousands of traffic tickets, I can give you a fair assessment of you case ... and I will only charge you for the work I do. You will not be paying for my ego.
Don't be afraid to get answers to your questions, before you spend your hard earned money. Call or text the Rolloff Law Office - ANYTIME - to get answers for ask these questions and any others: (612) 234-1165